September 2009-April 2011

Monday, October 25, 2010


Soo.... there has been quite the change here on the mission!!! We had transfers on Wednesday and I’m with Hermana Daniels now! She is from good ol Sandy Utah! You should look up her blog and her fam! hahaha it has been awesome with her! AND... we opened up a new area for the hermanas in Las Heras! They had hermanas here about a year ago... and they were sure happy to have them again! hahaha. So when we were driving out here on Wednesday from the meeting and it was all just fields and fields and COWS!!! Who would have thought I would miss all of that.. hahaha. Hermana Daniels and I both screamed for joy!!! it was great.. it gets greater everyday. We have three different areas that we work in. Las Heras, Navarro, and Villars. It’s a branch and basically its this huge family Miguez who are great! The son is the branch president, daughter is the relief society president, her husband is the elder’s quorom president, the son in law is our mission leader, the other son is in the presidency and ya there is even more of them! They own a meat place, a carniceria.... I can’t remember what its called in English! But they butcher the cows and sell the meat... I’m in heaven!!! And the people are sooo soo nice.. so open and nice. haha I guess I have been so use to the city and its so safe here too! I absolutely love it.

On Sunday we had a baptism too, of this little boy Rodrigo who is 9 years old. He was baptized in a pool- it was great. The elders had been preparing him and we just had to make sure he came for the day! He´s a great kid who has tons of cousins and family that we have been teaching since we have gotten here!

So our church ..we don’t really have one.. is like a little back allyway that has 2 little rooms for young womens and primary and then two big ones for relief society and sacrament meeting. It’s just great, doesnt change the spirit at all and we eat really well here with the family Miguez! haha..
The other day we found our own little chancho here from nacho libre... this cute boy that was eating his chocolate outside and starting dancing away.. hahaha.
Hermana Lopez and Hermana Lewis opened up another area as well for the hermanas! in Billinhurst. It’s in the same stake as Ramos where I just left.

Oh I truly feel so blessed to work here with Hermana Daniels! She is an awesome missionary and that we are both from Utah its funny to contact people and tell them. I’m excited to work with her here in campo! We have had some great times already! hahaa. There are so many great people here to teach! All we need to do is work hard with them, the members and trust in the lord! I love you all and have a happy Halloween. Argentina doesn’t celebrate it... there are some stores that have decorations but they don’t do any trick or treating!
Love y’all

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